TB12 scores with Kava Up

Discover how TB12 managed to enhance app performance and security while reducing costs.


TB12 Sports

TB12 Sports, founded by NFL quarterback Tom Brady, is a sports performance brand renowned for its holistic approach to training, nutrition, and injury prevention. The company's methodology emphasizes personalized regimens that help athletes and individuals of all levels reach their peak physical potential while promoting overall wellness.


240 Patriot Place, Foxboro MA 02035

In Boston, TB12 Sports, founded by NFL legend Tom Brady, had a goal to make the TB12 mobile app accessible to athletes and fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

The TB12 team began by outlining their vision for the app, which included personalized workouts, nutrition plans, injury prevention tips, and real-time performance tracking. They aimed to create an intuitive, data-driven app for a diverse user base.

To accomplish this TB12 Sports hired a NY  based software company to build the mobile app. However, the company was bought out shortly after the app was launched. Kava Up, LLC who was the mobile app subcontractor on the project became a direct contractor. The mobile app's cloud services were provided by However, earlier this year TB12 Sports consolidated the app and its cloud services with Kava Up, LLC. The consolidation required a migration of app cloud services and data from previous contractor Heady.

Migrating cloud services and data is not a small task.  This required setting up new cloud environments, CI/CD workflows, security, the list goes on. Simultaneously, the app content management system was exported and imported into a completely different one.  A data transformation pipeline was created to facilitate the import. The entire cloud infrastructure was taken apart, put back together, and was live in 2 weeks time.

After the system migration we discovered a few security improvements that also reduced datastore costs. When combined with our better pricing resulted in a 50% savings on total app costs. TB12 was able to win big! Saving on costs while improving the app's security and performance. This shows how important it is to team up with a reliable and reputable partner.


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Kava Up, LLC, is a young tech company that specializes in app and cloud development. We build platform agnostic apps including: web, mobile, tablet, mac, and windows. Powered by secure and scalable cloud services.

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Sonny Stevenson

Is the Founder and Engineering Manager at Kava Up, LLC. Sonny has nearly 20 years of industry experience.

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